Your reliable partner for PIC prototyping
SiPhotonIC was launched in 2018 based to spin-out the silicon photonics technology developed by the Department of Photonics Engineering (prev. DTU Fotonik, now DTU Electro) in Technical University of Denmark.
The company was founded by the senior researcher Dr. Yunhong Ding, to cover the needs for rapid prototyping of affordable and fully-customized silicon photonic integrated circuits (PICs).
The company is using DTU Danchip National Center for Micro- and Nanofabrication (DTU Danchip/Nanolab) which covers 1350 m2 facilities within the DTU campus and is equipped with the state-of-the-art class 10-100 ISO-9001 certified cleanroom for a plethora of processes for photonic integration.
The company has a strong track record in manufacturing high-performance & complex silicon PICs both for classical and quantum photonic applications with many of them published in world-class journals i.e. Science, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Nanoscale, Scientific Reports etc.
The SiPhotonIC team comprises highly-skilled members that can always facilitate you to bring your idea from sketch to a PIC prototype.
Let’s discuss your project together @!
Dr. Yunhong Ding, CEO
Yunhong has more than 10 years cleanroom working experiences on silicon photonic nano-fabrication. He has rich research experience in silicon photonic components and their application in classical optical fiber communications and quantum photonics. In 2019, he received the prestigious Villum Fonden Young Investigator funding for ”Silicon-Lithium Niobate Hybrid Integrated Quantum Photonics” He is the founder of SiPhotonIC and he is responsible for the overall management.
More details are available at Yunhong Ding’s Googlescholar and LinkedIn.

Dr. Stelios Pitris, Business Development
Stelios has more than 8 years research experience in silicon photonics for high-speed transceiver, routing and computing applications and collaborated in the past with other European photonic foundries for PIC prototyping within EU research projects. He has participated in several international conferences and meetings in photonic technology giving talks on his research. He is in charge of the business development activities of SiPhotonIC: growth plans, sales & customer relationships, product and service management, partnerships & marketing.
More details are available at Stelios Pitris’ Googlescholar and LinkedIn.

Dr. Kurt Stokbro, Advisor
Kurt is an internationally recognized researcher, serial entrepreneur and investor in high tech companies. He is the founder of Atomistix A/S and QuantumWise A/S. Among his activities are the turnaround of startups, the public/private fund raising and establishing successful exit of tech companies. He has been involved in several international research projects and he has organized many conferences. He has commercial activities in nanoscience, atomic-scale modelling and artificial intelligence. He is the advisor of SiPhotonIC on marketing and technical aspects.
More details are available at Kurt Stokbro’s Googlescholar and LinkedIn.

Siyan Zhou, Senior Fabrication Engineer
More details are available at Siyan’s Googlescholar and LinkedIn.
Dr. Yunhong Ding, CEO
More details are available at Yunhong Ding’s Googlescholar and LinkedIn.

Dr. Kurt Stokbro, Advisor
Kurt is an internationally recognized researcher, serial entrepreneur and investor in high tech companies. He is the founder of Atomistix A/S and QuantumWise A/S. Among his activities are the turnaround of startups, the public/private fund raising and establishing successful exit of tech companies. He has been involved in several international research projects and he has organized many conferences. He has commercial activities in nanoscience, atomic-scale modelling and artificial intelligence. He is the advisor of SiPhotonIC on marketing and technical aspects.
More details are available at Kurt Stokbro’s Googlescholar and LinkedIn.

Dr. Stelios Pitris, Business Development
More details are available at Stelios Pitris’ Googlescholar and LinkedIn.

Siyan Zhou, Senior Fabrication Engineer
More details are available at Siyan’s Googlescholar and LinkedIn.